“Chang Muang Phet”

Last updated: 31 Aug 2021  |  7713 Views  | 

“Chang Muang Phet”

“Chang Muang Phet” or Phet artisans, the fathers who create the creative works

Phetchaburi is a province with a long history of more than a thousand years. If you walk and explore the communities on riverside, you will see the trace of the glory of art from the temples, the palaces and the houses. How lucky and delightful we are, that this glory of art is still there and waits for new generation to see. The way of life of Phetchaburi people is continuing with the art and both cannot be separated.

 In the past, there were 2 kinds of Thai artisans, which were the Royal artisans who were the palace craftsmen and the local artisans who had worked in their communities. The group of local artisans included the monks. Artisans are very detailed and multi artisan skills because each field of handicraft and craving need to connect and relate to each other. Every artisan can make Thai striped. The ones who are specialized on one or some carving skills will become “Kru Chang” (or the master of artisan) in that skill.    

Most of the artisans in Phetchaburi province are local artisans. They have developed their characteristics, their format of art work, content and skills and have been called “Sakul Chang Muang Phet”, or group of Phetchaburi artisans. In Phetchaburi province, there are 400 artisans and 2 of them won the National Artists Award. Mr.Thongruang Aim-ot got the reward of the national artist in visual arts, fine art - stucco art for the year of 2011. Nowadays he has currently dedicated himself to children and youth by using his house as a learning center for transmitting stucco work’s knowledge. The second one is Ms.Neung Faengsikam, called “Bpa Neung” or Neung aunt by Phetchaburi people. She won the national artist in visual arts, fine art for the year of 2012. Even though she passed away, she left her precious intellect to the new generation. Gold jewelry is the folk art which mixes the natural beauty and also the usefulness. That is the reason, why the gold ornaments from Phetchaburi are very popular and are the valuable cultural heritage of the nation. Moreover, we can visit the center of Sakul Chang Muang Phet’s demonstration and exhibition for appreciating the art works from the ancient masters of Phetchaburi artisans, like Khrua In Khong, Khun Sriwangyot, Luang Pho Rit, Pao Panyo, Pin Infahsaeng, Paitun Mungsomboon, Peao Bamrungbuddha, Huan Tanwanna, Loes Puangpradej, TesLoypayom, and etc.

As the artwork of the group of Phechaburi artisans has been inherited from generation to generation, therefore the Phechaburi artisans have the status like “father”. Because “father” has created the fine art of Phechaburi and leaved it to remember for Thai people.


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